
Fabulas (Fables) introductory game (through the chat room)

Re: Fabulas (Fables) introductory game (through the chat room)

Yes, that's what I meant, Dungeonero. current/smile

I only asked coz I am curious about "common" options between builds... what Fudge rules have withstood the test of time.

I'm really keen on playing by mail or post now coz it is difficult for me to have face-to-face or online games now.


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Re: Fabulas (Fables) introductory game (through the chat room)

Well, is quite standard Fudge as written. Point-build (without skill pyramid), compensating Gifts&Faults (and usually Powers with Weaknesses), the usual Gitft-Skill-Fault-etc conversion, etc.

I think it's pretty compatible with Now Playing, Terra Incognita and others whose names I can't recall right now current/smile

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Re: Fabulas (Fables) introductory game (through the chat room)

I'm also really keen on playing this (got the message with the character btw, took me a while to remember what it was from...) Yeah real life can be tough. I'd also prefer a play by post game, maybe here on the fudge forums? I've been busy like you wouldn't believe but I'd be able to check the forums every day.

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Re: Fabulas (Fables) introductory game (through the chat room)

Thanks for the sheet, Dungeonero, it's a great character.

I'm glad Sophiru is with us on this mission. current/wink

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Re: Fabulas (Fables) introductory game (through the chat room)

All characters sent. Nobody likes the antique dealer/librarian? current/smile

Poor Mariano. He doesn't only have a cat chatterbox but has a severe lack of charisma current/wink

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Re: Fabulas (Fables) introductory game (through the chat room)

It's going to be odd given that we have the cat but don't have the owner. That said, I rather like my German gentleman.
Clearly, we need another player* - which, if this ends up being play by post, should be easy.

*Read: Vermonster.

The [-] die.

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Re: Fabulas (Fables) introductory game (through the chat room)

Sounds like a good idea, however I think some of the players didn't like PBP games (not that chat games are so popular here either), so we could gain a player and lose others, isn't it?

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Re: Fabulas (Fables) introductory game (through the chat room)

Let me know if you decide to go with Play By Post -- I'll set up a forum for the game. GM's choice whether that forum is private (not viewable except for the specific members, i.e. the GM and players,  assigned to it) or semi-public (viewable to all, or to only registered & logged in members, but postable only by GM and players).

Ann DupuisGrey Ghost Press, Inc.

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Re: Fabulas (Fables) introductory game (through the chat room)

Thanks Ann, I haven't ruled out that possibilty, it depends on the players too.

BTW, I still have a free book for you! Can't get any cheaper current/wink

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Re: Fabulas (Fables) introductory game (through the chat room)

Oh BTW Steffan, I forgot to say that talking animals (aka aesopians) can talk with animals of their main type. Not being able to do so is a Fault (or a Supernatural fault? I don't remember right now).

Not that normal animals are specially bright, anyway. Brigther than some politicians, at least.

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