
Introducing myself

Introducing myself

My name is Dennis and I live in Arizona.

I started gaming when I was 9 and that was around 1978/79.Started off with D &D then gamma world and Traveler.Since then it has been a vast assortment of games I have either played in or ran.Pretty much covered a good amount of the genres in that time.Bushido,Aftermath,Shadowrun,Marvel Superheroes,Champions,Villains and Vigilantes,Dark Conspiracy,Call of Cthulhu,Chill,WoD series,Runequest,Star Trek,Star Wars,Deadlands,Cyberpunk,Masterbook,Gurps,Earthdawn,Middle Earth,The End,Ars Magica,Rifts,Heroes Unlimited,Mechwarrior and the list goes on and on.

About 2 or so years ago my main hobby of gaming ground to a halt after playing year in and year out for about 32 years.There were a few things that lead to this happening.First we gradually started losing players from our group little by little.That thing called life stepped in and people moved,started families or just plain stopped playing.Then we sort of got stuck in a rut where fantasy genre was all that was being played.This was mainly D and 3.5 campaigns being run year after year.Now this is what people wanted so this is what we did.What it also did was burn us out on fantasy lol.Well I did not burn out too badly and one of my players was not affected at all but the rest very much so.This was also partly due to the latest edition of D&D which we had switched to after it came out.Try as we did for 8 months straight the system was not liked or enjoyed by any of us.So with that the game died a terrible death and we took a hiatus.Then a flood destroyed most of my rpg collection.With the loss of the bulk of my collection and the economy turning ugly I have yet been able to afford buying any replacements or new material.

The hiatus is still going in fact as I mentioned  above.Another reason to the lengthy hiatus is my mojo.I believe I lost my gaming mojo,inspiration and motivation.As of late I believe I am getting these things back and I am entertaining the idea of running something again.I have two willing players so I can work with that lol.I punched in a web search for (horror rpg campaign ideas and free generic rpg games and this little site popped up in the search.Well a post from this forum popped up and it lead to the rest.So I downloaded the Fudge pdf and read it over and over a few times.I have some questions etc but I will try to find the apropriate thread for it current/smile

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Re: Introducing myself

Welcome to fudge. If you're interested in getting back in to gaming I highly recommend you start hanging out in the Fudge IRC chat channel as games can spontaneously start. I highly recommend trying out one of SirWolf's Fudge Mouse Guard games when he is running one.

If you need anything or questions please shoot me a PM or post.

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Re: Introducing myself

I'd note that games don't spontaneously start all that frequently. However, that has left the channel in a state where everyone in it wants to game more than they do, and coming in and inquiring about a pickup game instead of waiting for someone else to do so could very well be productive.

The [-] die.

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Re: Introducing myself

Greetings! May your gaming mojo return rapidly! I certainly understand the hiatus factor. I began playing D&D in 1977 and haven't stopped gaming since then, beyond a few breaks driven by the needs of reality - some of which were rather extensive, alas. We all do have a habit of scattering, what with our nomadic work pursuits. Such is life. I knew that I was hooked when I found myself coming up with new weapon and armor tables during my Arduin Grimoire stage. I'll place my more extensive introduction in the proper place.

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