
The Adventures of Star Patrol!

Re: The Adventures of Star Patrol!

paul wrote:

I keep trying to get Ann to join and play - we need a damsel in distress - although she threatens to play either a mysterious occultist or a femme fatale super spy  current/wink

You know I don't play damsels in distress very well.  current/tongue

Now that I've seen the skills, I'm trying to figure out how best to combine Criminal, Medic, Occultist, Pilot, Psychic, and Officer or Spy....

Fair warning: I often play male characters, hope that doesn't wig anyone out. (haven't decided yet on gender.)

Ann DupuisGrey Ghost Press, Inc.

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Re: The Adventures of Star Patrol!

ann wrote:

paul wrote:

I keep trying to get Ann to join and play - we need a damsel in distress - although she threatens to play either a mysterious occultist or a femme fatale super spy  current/wink

You know I don't play damsels in distress very well.  current/tongue

Now that I've seen the skills, I'm trying to figure out how best to combine Criminal, Medic, Occultist, Pilot, Psychic, and Officer or Spy....

Fair warning: I often play male characters, hope that doesn't wig anyone out. (haven't decided yet on gender.)

I've played some C3P0 like droids and museum curators before, if you really neeed a damsel in dsitress.. I'd be playing a character not my  gender, but why not current/wink
Just never seen that as a PC option before. I'll try most anything once. Of course, I could just be the ensign in distress.. or the protocol drioid in distress.

Humble Unpaid Lackey
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Male  Website 
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Re: The Adventures of Star Patrol!

Ann, if you're really being hampered I can tweak the advances a little bit, the trouble is to conform to pulp classics everyone has a niche, but if that is going to cause trouble it can easily be amended, especially if there are only a few players. These aren't creation rules I've tested on anyone except me and my own templates (and, of course, you design what you think is right)!

Could everyone create a character based on the above and let me know if it feels right, and what you'd change? At least then I know where to tweak, if anywhere.


PS Ann, we're playing online, you could play a blue headed martian and nobody would wig out, well I'm guessing not.

The Convenient Skill
Swashbuckling Fudger
28 Posts
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Re: The Adventures of Star Patrol!

The Convenient Skill wrote:

PS Ann, we're playing online, you could play a blue headed martian and nobody would wig out, well I'm guessing not.

Ooh, how 'bout a psychic pilot cat-man-like alien? :-)

Ann DupuisGrey Ghost Press, Inc.

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Re: The Adventures of Star Patrol!

ann wrote:

Ooh, how 'bout a psychic pilot cat-man-like alien? :-)

Sounds good to me!

Shawn, you don't have to be helpless to be in distress, in fact part of any good pulp story is being captured (think of a Bond film where he doesn't), maybe if it's something you want to play up perhaps a suitable Fault would be in order?

I'm thinking overconfidence, or lone ranger (i.e. always going off on your own), and with the Fudge Factor rules for losing your weapon, or getting caught in awkward postions instead of getting hurt you could end up getting captured quite a lot! If that's the way you want to go.

The Convenient Skill
Swashbuckling Fudger
28 Posts
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Re: The Adventures of Star Patrol!

If nobody minds or cares, I'll take the leader role as in those horrible (aka great) B-movies the intrepid explorer usually is in charge. Opinions? Complaints? Psycotic robots to sic on me?

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Re: The Adventures of Star Patrol!

OK, come on guys (and gal?) let's get this one going. Take a look through the skills/character creation post (#10) and post below your selections. Again if there are troubles with the skill list let me know and we can tweak it.

Hopefully we can get going quite quickly once you have set your characters up.

The Convenient Skill
Swashbuckling Fudger
28 Posts
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Re: The Adventures of Star Patrol!

Okay - below is my updated character. Per guidance, I did change one gift since a Skill was so close to the same thing. I changed "All Around Scientist" to "Technologically Intuitive" (see character below for details)

Name: Johnny Wizzer
Archetype: Brilliant Young Inventor (modeled after Tom Swift)

    All-Around Scientist - Changed to "Technologically Intuitive" (i.e. he has the gift of having an intuitive grasp of unfamiliar technology)
    Star Patrol Officer

    Insatiable Curiosity
    Socially Inept with anyone but scientists
Primary skill (Great) - Scientist
Secondary skill (Good) - Repairer
Professional skill (Fair) - technician
Professional skill (Fair) - Crafter
Background skill (Mediocre) - Scholar
Background skill (Mediocre) - Fighter
   He is compelled for reasons he doesn't understand to expand his knowledge of science until he understands the true nature of all things.
The only son of brilliant scientist parents, Johnny was a child prodigy. Home taught by his parents, he was already multiple grades ahead when he entered public school. An outcast because of his genius, he never got along with other kids. Designing a revolutionary particle accelerator at 12 years old probably didn't help. Even after skipping from high school into college while still in his early teens, he was still an outcast. Faculty disliked him for correcting their latest research in class. Tragedy struck with his parents death in a terrible accident on the day he graduated with double doctorates in biological and physical sciences at age 18 for New Earth's most prestigious university.  With nothing to tie him to the world he grew up on, he hungers for travel to the stars and the amazing discoveries to made there!

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Re: The Adventures of Star Patrol!

Sorry about that! Internet has been a pain and i kinda forget. oops. current/big_smile I'll get my character sheet up ASAP!

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