
Hello there

Hello there

I have always wanted to learn the fudge system for my rpg playing. My name is Richard Gregg and I have been playing table top Rpg since 1982.

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Re: Hello there

Welcome to the community, Remo Cranston/Richard Gregg!!!

What games did you play before discovering Fudge RPG ans what are your projects?


P.S. You can chat live with fellow fudge fans

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Re: Hello there

Hey there Remo!

In addition to the Fudge IRC channel that fudgebob mentioned, there is also a G+ Community as well, found here: … 0315483435

I have been working on a Fudge-based Sword & Sorcery RPG called "Blood, Sweat & Steel" for about 5 years now.  It's nearing completion and we're doing weekly play testing if you would like to sit in an play or observe (we always prefer players to observers current/wink ).  My community page is here: … 2405505049

I love helping players new to Fudge learn the ropes, so if I can help out in any way, don't hesitate to ask! current/smile

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Re: Hello there

I'm giddy with anticipation, how do I get this

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Re: Hello there

I'm still doing final revisions, but everyone who joins our G+ Community and joins in on our play testing sessions gets a "working" copy of the core rules pdf, as well as the editable character sheet pdf.  I also have some other game aids for GM's who want to run the game at their table.

Once the core rules are complete, we're going to run a Kickstarter to help make this a professional quality game.  I've already spent $1000 on artwork and I have a layout/editing professional ready to "make it look pretty" once the core text is complete.

My biggest dream is that this can become an official Grey Ghost Press game (cough...cough....Ann...did you read that?..... current/smile  ).  There are a couple of  Fate'ish elements in the game, but it's primarily a Fudge RPG.

Here's a link to the Blood, Sweat & Steel G+ page: … 5195/posts
Here's a link to the Community page, which we use for play testing and discussion: … 2405505049
Here's a link to the blog page:

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Re: Hello there

I'm still doing final revisions, but everyone who joins our G+ Community and joins in on our play testing sessions gets a "working" copy of the core rules pdf, as well as the editable character sheet pdf.  I also have some other game aids for GM's who want to run the game at their table.

Once the core rules are complete, we're going to run a Kickstarter to help make this a professional quality game.  I've already spent $1000 on artwork and I have a layout/editing professional ready to "make it look pretty" once the core text is complete.

My biggest dream is that this can become an official Grey Ghost Press game (cough...cough....Ann...did you read that?..... current/smile  ).  There are a couple of  Fate'ish elements in the game, but it's primarily a Fudge RPG.

Here's a link to the Blood, Sweat & Steel G+ page: … 5195/posts
Here's a link to the Community page, which we use for play testing and discussion: … 2405505049
Here's a link to the blog page:

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