
Fudge dice application for Android

Re: Fudge dice application for Android

martin wrote:

Yes, but the problem is that everyone has their own modifications to the system. I can release the source code under a Free/Open licence, and you can modify the source as you think fit to suit your own system. But I can't build everyone's personal system into the standard release of the app. If there's any standard variants on 4dF, then let me know, and preferably provide some sort of rules extract or explanation.

Your best bet may be to allow the user to specify the number of Fudge dice to roll, with 4dF being the default. That's how other Fudge dice rollers I've seen have done it.

Regarding official licensing: when I get a chance I'll take a look at the licensing end of things and get back to you with preferred wording about Fudge and IP rights in your application. Just really busy with non-game-related stuff right now....

Ann DupuisGrey Ghost Press, Inc.

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Re: Fudge dice application for Android

ann wrote:

Regarding official licensing: when I get a chance I'll take a look at the licensing end of things and get back to you with preferred wording about Fudge and IP rights in your application. Just really busy with non-game-related stuff right now....

Ann, any advance? It's now the year of the giant fluffy white killer rabbit, and I'd like to get this finished.

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Re: Fudge dice application for Android

I'm going to say it for her, but Ann's been pretty busy. current/wink Don't worry she hasn't forgotten you. current/big_smile

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Re: Fudge dice application for Android

ann wrote:

Regarding official licensing: when I get a chance I'll take a look at the licensing end of things and get back to you with preferred wording about Fudge and IP rights in your application. Just really busy with non-game-related stuff right now....

So here's the scoop:

Fudge-based software (including dice rollers) can be released under the Open Game License.

If you plan to use the Fudge "Swoosh Die" logo, you'll also need to follow the Fudge System Trademark License, which should be pretty easy to do. Even if you decide not to use the logo to identify your software as relating to the Fudge RPG, as a courtesy I ask that you include the "About Fudge" paragraph from the Fudge System Trademark License usage guidelines, as well as the OGL and proper copyright, "Open Content," and "Product Identity" information.

This article on Fudge OGL requirements may help you, as it offers a "template" to use for the About Fudge paragraph, in editing Section 15 of the OGL,  for declaring Open Content, and for declaring Product Identity. (Please include the entire Open Game License, rather than simply incorporating it by reference.)

In addition to the above requirements, software published under the Open Game License /also/ has to make available, in readable format, the "open content" that the software is based on. In your case that would be Section 3.21, "Reading the Dice: Fudge Dice" from Chapter Three of the core Fudge rules.

For more info about software requirements under the Open Game License, read the Wizards of the Coasts's FAQ: … /20040123i (you can ignore the WotC rule about "no character creation / generation allowed," since that's governed by their "d20 System Trademark License." The Fudge System trademark license doesn't restrict the Fudge material you can use to anything other than "what's been officially released as Open Content under the Open Game License."

Please let me know if you have any questions.


Ann DupuisGrey Ghost Press, Inc.

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Re: Fudge dice application for Android

Ann, thanks for providing this.  From the technical side, it seems to be basically a matter of including text in the application that is available for display from the menu.

I notice that there is another set of rules called FATE that uses FUDGE dice, but with 11 named levels rather than 9 and some extra labels for the additional levels; would it be a problem if I included these as an option?

I hope to be able to post some updated screen shots soon, but at the moment I am still coding.


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Re: Fudge dice application for Android

martin wrote:

Ann, thanks for providing this.  From the technical side, it seems to be basically a matter of including text in the application that is available for display from the menu.

Yes, exactly right.

I notice that there is another set of rules called FATE that uses FUDGE dice, but with 11 named levels rather than 9 and some extra labels for the additional levels; would it be a problem if I included these as an option?

Fate is also released under the OGL, which is the beauty of the license.  current/smile

Here's a link to the Fate  OGL page:

You only need one copy of the OGL in your product, but you need to make sure Section 15 contains all relevant copyright notices from both Fudge and Fate.

I hope that helps!

Ann DupuisGrey Ghost Press, Inc.

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Re: Fudge dice application for Android

OK, I think the beta will be ready soon. If I don't run into any more problems, it will be available from the Google Market as 'FUDGE Dice'. I'll release the source under the GPL3 at Sourceforge here so you can post any support issues or questions there.

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Re: Fudge dice application for Android

martin wrote:

OK, I think the beta will be ready soon. If I don't run into any more problems, it will be available from the Google Market as 'FUDGE Dice'. I'll release the source under the GPL3 at Sourceforge here so you can post any support issues or questions there.

So things get even trickier if you're trying to combine the OGL with other licenses.... the OGL doesn't grant the copyright permissions you need to have the right to release anything derived from Open Game Content under any license other than the OGL.

If you can set up a system whereby anyone else who's using your code is /also/ adhering to the OGL, I can grant you the additional permission you need to make your code Open Source.

Sorry for the inconvenience! but the convoluted laws and issues surrounding intellectual property makes it necessary...

Ann DupuisGrey Ghost Press, Inc.

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Re: Fudge dice application for Android

ann wrote:

...things get even trickier if you're trying to combine the OGL with other licenses.... the OGL doesn't grant the copyright permissions you need to have the right to release anything derived from Open Game Content under any license other than the OGL....

Ann, Sourceforge doesn't recognize the OGL as a free software license. However, I think I can split the application into two parts,

  1. a dice roller application that doesn't refer to FUDGE or FATE (and doesn't contain any content covered by the OGL or FUDGE/FATE copyright/trademarks), and
  2. the specific text and data required for FUDGE and FATE.

Then I should be able to release the source code of the application under a suitable free software license on Sourceforge, without the FUDGE/FATE content; and also release the package on Android Market with the FUDGE/FATE data.

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Re: Fudge dice application for Android

martin wrote:

I think I can split the application into two parts,

   1. a dice roller application that doesn't refer to FUDGE or FATE (and doesn't contain any content covered by the OGL or FUDGE/FATE copyright/trademarks), and
   2. the specific text and data required for FUDGE and FATE.

Then I should be able to release the source code of the application under a suitable free software license on Sourceforge, without the FUDGE/FATE content; and also release the package on Android Market with the FUDGE/FATE data.

That'll do it!

Ann DupuisGrey Ghost Press, Inc.

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