
Hello, forum...

Hello, forum...

Hi. I found the Fudge system... somewhere, I can't remember right now, while I was looking for a simpler RPG system than the more commonly used (as well as more complicated) ones. Anyway, I've been reading the PDF rulebook available on this site, and I think the game sounds very interesting. Is there a Play-by-post game on the forum currently looking for members on the forum? I saw the Space Patrol one, but it looks as though it's either started on another forum or has been canceled. Thanks for any info, and hi again! -Fimzo

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Re: Hello, forum...

Greetings, Fizmo!

Yes, There is a Play by post one, but I'm not sure of the status. Most of the games I've seen are run on the Fudge IRC chat channel

Everybody is really friendly there and if I know your coming on I'll run a game for you. current/big_smile I'm on there as JonathanS. Just talk to anybody when there on and they'll help ya out!

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Re: Hello, forum...

Thanks! I'll check out the IRC.

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Re: Hello, forum...

Just don't be surprised if it gets quiet there. It's one of those silence and then explosion of words. current/smile

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Re: Hello, forum...

Slow spread of words rather. Its never crowded to the point where communication gets difficult.

The [-] die.

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