
BiS - Planetary Silence

Re: BiS - Planetary Silence

I edited the first post with the rules on how we are going to do it.

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Re: BiS - Planetary Silence

Okay, it's been years since I did play-by-post, but I'm game to give it a shot, so I'm tossing my hat in the ring. I just need to come up with a character.

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Re: BiS - Planetary Silence

I did these up using the Blood in Space pdf. Don't be too hard on me - this is my first set of Fudge characters. current/smile

Suzuko Griffin - Technician
Player: Umikuma
    Suzuko grew up in a home where both English and Japanese were spoken. Her parents are literate and she has a real love of languages. She has at least a terrible grasp of several Earth languages. Seeing cybernetics and hacking as language related skills, she immersed herself in their study, in the process becoming competent technician. She designed a cyborg pet, Yumegumo, a cat-sized cyberspyder, as a telepresence remote for trouble shooting, analysis and hacking. She has asperger syndrome and people are still somewhat of a mystery to her, though she has learned how to interact reasonably well with her comrades. She became a poor-level med-tech while learning and comparing the bio-mechanics of human and cybernetic systems.
Strength: Mediocre    Hacking: Great
Stamina: Fair        Small Weapons: Mediocre
Agility: Good        Stealth: Mediocre
Charisma: Mediocre    Healing: Poor
Intelligence: Great     Hand to Hand Combat: Terrible
Perception: Great    Xav Language: Terrible
            Marauder Language: Terrible
Gift: Cybernetic link implant, allows telepresence through CyberSpyder, may allow limited communication with some cyborgs; uses handheld remote for basic Spyder control to disguise presence of implant. Yumegumo's visual feed is always there, like peripheral vision, but if she focuses on it her own vision becomes peripheral. Usually she'll sit quietly with her eyes closed while working through Yumegumo. If she needs to be active while directly operating him, most actions are at -1.
Fault: Loner, somewhat socially inept, doesn't always pick up on others' social interactions.

Yumegumo (Dream Spider) - small Cyborg assistant
Player: Umikuma or NPC as GM prefers
    Yumegumo is a cyberspyder linked to Suzuko through her implant, though he can also receive commands and project images through her remote, and understands spoken English and Japanese. Yumegumo is cat sized and quite fast. He has a laser pointer in one arm that can by pumped to weapon intensity at need. Excessive use in pumped mode (half a dozen rapid shots) will shut the laser down for a few minutes until it cools off. He is optimized for hacking and cybernetic operations, incorporating a full tool kit in his body and legs, including access ports and probes. He has sharp points and gecko strips on his legs, allowing him to scramble up walls and across ceilings. He is simple-minded, often very talkative, and likes to tell bad jokes and puns.
Strength: Fair (scale -5)        Hacking: Good
Stamina: Good            Stealth: Fair
Agility: Good            Small Weapon (laser): Fair
Charisma: Mediocre           
Intelligence: Fair       
Perception: Great   
Speed: Fair (scale 4)
Gift:    Vision through IR range for following electrical flow [tracks heat] and navigation in the dark
Fault:    Savant, intelligence somewhat limited; optimized for hacking, data analysis, and
    cybernetic operations.

Xakh'!at - Xar Warrior (Bug)
Player: Umikuma or NPC as GM prefers
    The "!" in Xav'!at represents a mandible click. His praetorian sponsor tends to send him out for scouting and minor troubleshooting, providing him with a complement of warriors and workers appropriate for his mission. He likes marauders particularly well. He was wounded some years ago and though it has healed the scar tissue have left him slightly lame and with reduced stamina.
Strength: Good            Shriek: Good
Stamina: Mediocre        Stealth: Mediocre
Agility: Fair            Tail: Poor
Charisma: Good        Bite: Poor
Intelligence: Good        Claws: Poor
Perception: Good        Armor: Poor
                Swimming: Terrible
Gift:    Sponsored by a high-status praetorian
Fault: Particularly fond of Marauders - they taste real good

Red-xar Mask - Marauder Elite Hunter
Player: Umikuma or NPC as GM prefers
    Red-xar Mask considers most humans too soft to make good prey, though he will go after marines. He has a large collection of Xar praetorian and senior warrior trophies and is always happy to add more. His junior hunter is new, his previous apprentice was lost in his last praetorian hunt.
Strength: Fair             Projectile Weapons: Good
Stamina: Fair             Stealth: Fair
Agility: Great             Thrown Weapons: Mediocre
Charisma: Mediocre         Hand Weapons: Poor
Intelligence: Good         Armor: Terrible
Perception: Good
Gifts:    Accompanied by a junior hunter
Faults: Considers most humans too soft to be worth hunting, though will make an exception for marines; prefers to hunt Xar.

Edited by: Umikuma - Sep-02-12 00:00:59

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Re: BiS - Planetary Silence


The rules are posted up above where I edited it. I should be posting some basic stuff to you all tonight when I get back home. I have one more player finishing up his bio and we'll get started!

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Re: BiS - Planetary Silence

Checked back - looks like I need to redo skills. I'll check attributes as well, and repost.

Edited above post. I think I've got attributes and skills correct now. Let me know if I need to change anything.

"Hacking" includes software and hardware, right?

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Re: BiS - Planetary Silence

Anton Ineki
An older veteran pilot, Anton is a naturally cautious man who has only become more cautious with every hotshot young pilot he outlived. With age, this has become an adherence to doctrine and orthodoxy, and an increasing detachment to Earth and those on it. He volunteered simply because he was advised to do so, and it meant little to him; little does he know that this mission may be the one to rekindle his spirits.

Good Intelligence
Fair Perception
Fair Agility
Fair Psionic
Mediocre Stamina
Mediocre Strength
Poor Charisma

Great Piloting
Good Ship Weapons
Good Tactics
Fair Projectile Weapons
Fair Navigation
Fair Engineering
Mediocre Science Knowledge
Mediocre Unarmed Combat
Mediocre Academics
Mediocre Military Procedures

Level Headed
Military Rank: Lieutenant

Stiff and Boring

Anton Ineki
An older veteran pilot, Anton is a naturally cautious man who has only become more cautious with every hotshot young pilot he outlived. With age, this has become an adherence to doctrine and orthodoxy, and an increasing detachment to Earth and those on it. He volunteered simply because he was advised to do so, and it meant little to him; little does he know that this mission may be the one to rekindle his spirits.

Strength: Fair
Agility: Good
Stamina: Fair
Perception: Great

Good Piloting
Fair Weaponry
Fair Tactics
Mediocre Navigation
Mediocre Academics
Mediocre Engineering

Gifts and Faults
Level Headed

The [-] die.

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Re: BiS - Planetary Silence

Time for the GM Ruling



Sergeant Bigelow - APPROVED
Jenny Ford - APPROVED (Comments on Gift Noted)
Anton Ineki  - APPROVED


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Re: BiS - Planetary Silence

Sorry for the delay, just got my account approved, here is my characters stats.

Strength: Good
Agility: Fair
Stamina: Fair
Charisma: Mediocre
Intelligence: Great
Perception: Fair
Psionic: Fair


Hacking: Fair
Light Weapons: Fair
Bio-engineering: Good

Weapon: M34 Pistolx2

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Re: BiS - Planetary Silence

Hey Professor!

That's quite alright being late. This coming Sunday is the deadline before I cut off more joiners. I'm posting the dice roller for those who do not have their own dice on hand. It's also going to be edited in the first post. … oller.html

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Re: BiS - Planetary Silence

Hey all,

Last call to get your characters in before I start. The game will officially begin on Sunday evening EST.

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