
BiS - Planetary Silence

Re: BiS - Planetary Silence


Name: Suzuko Griffin
Player: Umikuma

Suzuko grew up in a home where both English and Japanese were spoken. Her parents are literate and she has a real love of languages. She has at least a terrible grasp of several Earth languages. She is fascinated by xenobiology. She’s done her share of exobiology field work and has worked in a weapons research lab. She sees this assignment as an opportunity to get a first-hand look at some of the results of the research he’s been involved in. She has often had to prototype or juryrig equipment for her assignments and her pet cyber spyder has often been useful in this regard. She has asperger syndrome and people are still somewhat of a mystery to her, though she has learned how to interact reasonably well with her comrades. She's been involved with a shooting and hunting club - one of the informal Earthling defense preparedness groups.

~ATTRIBUTES~ (0 Skill Points Left)
Strength: Mediocre
Stamina: Fair
Agility: Good
Charisma: Mediocre
Intelligence: Great
Perception: Great

Healing: Great
Small Weapons: Fair
Stealth: Fair
Mechanical: Mediocre

Cybernetic Implant



Yumegumo, cyberspyder

Strength: Terrible (Scale 0)
Agility: Good
Perception: Great

Stealth: Fair
Multi-core Processor: Good (+1 to general computer based actions)

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Re: BiS - Planetary Silence

Time for the GM Ruling


* Crew roster will be closed 9 Sep 12 0000 EST.

Sergeant Bigelow - APPROVED
Jenny Ford - APPROVED
Suzuko Griffin - APPROVED
Professor Pump - APPROVED
Anton Ineki  - APPROVED


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Re: BiS - Planetary Silence

So, when are we planning on starting?

The [-] die.

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Re: BiS - Planetary Silence

Sorry for the delay! Mission has been launched! Shuttle is en route to Kiladian world. … tml?id=131

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Re: BiS - Planetary Silence


Name: Nameless  (aka Nothing, Not worth naming, maybe Feared to name)
Player: Vermonster (Doug Bickford)

About: A “wild boy” Kiladian.  Probably raised to 4-5 years of age in seclusion (possibly secretly) as an experiment or a family embarassment (or  criminal kidnap victim).  Escaped, released, or misplaced maybe 3-4 years ago – Nameless really does not know or understand his history, who he is, nor who raised and abandoned (or lost) him.  His memories are of two (maybe three) who silently tended him and their fear, disappointment, and loathing.  They never spoke to him and rarely spoke in his presence.
He is observant of other wild creatures in this local Kiladian forest (his “home” for the past 3-4 years) and has learned quickly to survive by doing what they do (food, shelter).  He has no verbal language (not mute, merely no words, sentences, syntax), but is empathetic to emotions.   He recognizes the difference between “dumb animals” and sentient lifeforms.  He has minor psychic ability – that might be the reason behind his earliest life experiences (perhaps too little (embarassing) or too much (exciting experiment) for his species) and probably his survival amongst animals with whom he gains rapid rapport.  He has never been close to a human/Terran, but from a distance he curiously perceives their sentience (like his “captors”).   

Physical description:
Like a normal Kiladian, he is humanoid with ragged hair, large orange eyes that set off against his light green skin. His cheekbones are slightly more raised and shows a protruding forehead of his species.  But unlike the pathetic dreadlocks typical of his species, his dark hair is chewed or cut unevenly to keep it out of his way.  He is stunted for an adolescent of his species and has numerous wounds and broken bones that have healed with scars and minor imperfections (such as two twisted toes on his right foot).

    Height: 32 inches (81.3 cm; 2'8”)
    Weight: 40 pounds (18.2 kg)
    Age: probably about 9 years

Strength: Fair
Agility: Fair
Stamina: Good
Perception: Great
Psionic: Terrible (1)

Wilderness survival (Kiladian forest only) - Great
Climbing (tree, rock) – Good
Stalking/Stealth – Good
Curiosity-Adaptability – Good
Mind Scan: – Fair

Psychic empathy (+1 to passive Psi ability)

Very curious.

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Re: BiS - Planetary Silence

Vermonster wrote:

Psionic: Terrible (1)

Mind Scan: – Fair

Psychic empathy (+1 to passive Psi ability)

Although I added these to the character description, I am too inexperienced in Fudge to know what the components or the combination mean in terms of my player actions.  I cannot find a description of "Mind Scan" (in Fudge 1995, Blood in Space, Fudge RPG TiddlyWiki, general Google search, etc).  What is "passive Psi ability" (also not in Fudge 1995 or BiS)?  Passive to me means "received without action" like our ability to hear is passive, whereas bats' ability to echolocate is active.  Is Mind Scan a passive skill (to sense "something" naturally generate in others' minds)?  So, empathy is EM-PATHY ==> out from - passion/feelings ==> the ability to receive/sense feelings (emotions) out of others.  So, Nameless' gift for Psychic Empathy is +1 to his Mind Scan skill to "passively sense others emotions/feelings/passions".  Is that an unopposed action in Fudge terms (unless somebody with the psionic talent to Mind Shield tries to prevent it, for example)?  If the Psionic attribute is "for offensive use" (BiS, p8), does that mean it is drawn upon only for "active attacks" and not Nameless' "passive use of skills"?   But if Nameless uses Mind Scan to "read a non-empathic thought (non-emotion)", he would not  receive a bonus?  Is there a way to use Mind Scan offensively or does it just switch to offensive if someone consciously (or prophylacticly) blocks it?

I am more of a story-telling player, but understand that "rules is structure".  Even chaotic minds like mine improve with pathways amongst which to choose.

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Re: BiS - Planetary Silence


It isn't your inexperience, but more that the information isn't released. My documents are so all over the place that I forget what's in the official released Blood In Space and what's in the new version I have yet to give to the public. Let me see if I can clear up the questions as your confusion is my fault.


Name: Mind scan
Cost: 1
Effect: Mind scan is a oblique scan of someones mind to see what their superficial thoughts are. It is a one time check.

Mind scan will become active if it's resisted and it's a opposed action. If the character has no psi or ability to defend it, it's unopposed. Out of all the mind abilities you could not glean much from what the person is thinking.


The Passive and active ability is described in the BiS New Edition (unreleased) as an ability that is there in the background of the character. Empathy abilities would be passive while telekinesis would be an active psi ability.


I've responded to your email (and again apologize for not getting to this sooner). I understand what you are trying to do with your character and, at the moment, there isn't any psi skill in the BiS book both released or unreleased that will take that in to consideration it. I'm attempting to write something up for you, but if it comes down to it we'll just fudge the rules and make sure your character has his ability.

Please let me know if this wasn't clear or you have more questions!

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