
BiS - Planetary Silence (MISSION: ACTIVE)

Re: BiS - Planetary Silence (MISSION: ACTIVE)

Jenny Ford managed to land somewhat gracefully and comfortably in a bush, and had to struggle a bit to get untangled from the thing that proved to be bigger than her. She catches sight of Lieutenant Ineki and nods to him, seeing his gestures and understanding the meaning. Now that he'd mentioned it she could clearly see the disturbed path. It might've been some harmless animal but you could never be sure...

She looked north and then quickly followed Ineki's example, avoiding the trail. The brush was thick though and made it hard for her small form to navigate through it, making her curse quietly more than once.

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Re: BiS - Planetary Silence (MISSION: ACTIVE)

Sgt. Bigelow touches down, a perfect pin-point landing on soft grass!

His  elation quickly ends when he hears the L.T.'s statement. He ducks down, trying to "read" the tracks but gets nothing.

He quickly catches up with Ineki, gives a him a nod, and moves forward to take point, weapon ready.

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Re: BiS - Planetary Silence (MISSION: ACTIVE)


*The team moves quietly following the path as the trees thin out. Ahead they can see the standing pre-fabricated structures of the Earthling base.

*Here please post the story of your actions and then in a separate section below places exactly what your doing and the roll.

*NOTE: All characters that have not been posted by their players have become NPCs to be used by the GM.



John Doe aims his weapon at the enemy and fires!


*Firing Pulse Rifle. Roll [-][][-][+]

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Re: BiS - Planetary Silence (MISSION: ACTIVE)


Bigelow signals the team to halt and to hunker down. He whispers "I'll have a look-see first, kids. I'd hate to see you all eaten up by an alien dinosaur".

He crawls closer and peeks behind some tall grass, scanning the buildings for any activity. He adjusts his combat-bifocals for better focus.


Fair Perception  -3 (Poor roll)  -1 (for bad eyesight Fault) = a TERRIBLY-TERRIBLE result

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Re: BiS - Planetary Silence (MISSION: ACTIVE)

Lieutenant Ineki circles around Sergeant Bigelow, then partially emerges from the bushes, staying some distance away from the rest of his squad. He then proceeds on a whole host of different checks - visual, then a radiation check with his Geiger counter, and eventually RADAR, SONAR, and other such tests. "Standard operation procedure complete" he mutters to himself, packing his equipment away.

Input: Perception Fair or Science Knowledge Mediocre + Situational Bonuses
Roll: ++[]+
Output: Perception Superb or Science Knowledge Great + Situational Bonuses

The [-] die.

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Re: BiS - Planetary Silence (MISSION: ACTIVE)

Jenny Ford obediently stays with the group and hunkers down at command. She focuses her eyes on the structure ahead, trying to see if there's something out of the ordinary while keeping a steady hold on her weapon.

Perception roll, great. [+][-][ ][+] Result: superb.

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Re: BiS - Planetary Silence (MISSION: ACTIVE)


* Anton and Jenny notice patrolling troops just guarding the structure. Their eyes can make out the symbol on the arm. It is not familiar.

* Bigilow does not see anything. He honestly can't see anything at the moment.


*Great job! Hope you all are having fun. Below is the map of the area for you to look over.

* Posts due by October 28, 2012.


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Re: BiS - Planetary Silence (MISSION: ACTIVE)

"I hate my prescription glasses and my blasted eyes of a blackhole-mole! I got nuthin!"

It doesn't help seeing Lt. Anton using  his gadgets and stuff.

Or seeing Miss Jenny flighty-pants getting results.



Bigelow leaves the reconnoitering to the kids.

He circles the perimeter (where his team is) quitely.

Perception roll to check out their area.
Fair + 2 (dice roll)  = Great!

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Re: BiS - Planetary Silence (MISSION: ACTIVE)

"There are troups milling about, not a good sign. No idea what faction, they bear a weird mark I've never seen before. I suggest we approach cautiously." Jenny sighs, tightening her hold on her weapon. There goes any hope of a peaceful recon and retrieval mission. She focuses her eyes on the patrols, trying to figure out if they're armed and with what.

Figuring out weapons of the "enemy", perception roll, great. [ ][-][+][ ] Result: great. ((I really hope a perception roll will cover that, I figured I could try rolling for perception again to gain more detail?))

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Re: BiS - Planetary Silence (MISSION: ACTIVE)

Lieutenant Ineki considers his options. The presence of unknowns in a base is not something that there has ever been much doctrine for, and any form of entrance is going to be unorthodox. Go with your gut Anton, a voice inside him says. The rest of his being promptly shuts it up. Instead, he begins to analyze the troop movements, trying to figure out what exactly they are doing, and whether they are friendly or not. At the very least, he wants to know where and when the stealthiest entrance could be made.

Attempting to determine who the group is, and what the best way into the facility is.
Base: Tactics Fair, Good with Level Headed gift.
Rolled: ++[]-, Tactics Good/Great

The [-] die.

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