
BiS - Planetary Silence (MISSION: ACTIVE)

Re: BiS - Planetary Silence (MISSION: ACTIVE)


*Bigelow notices something in the forest ahead.

*Jenny is able to see they are carrying civilian made pulse rifles and pistols. Their armor also seems civilian and not military.

*Ineki attempts to identify the troops, but cannot. Could be because they aren't a known group. A sneaking approach to the left of the encampment might be a good place to start.


At that moment, the sliding door of one of the pre-fabricated structures hissed open and a tall man wearing body armor of the same style as the others, and a eye patch over one eye walked out and pointed to two of his men. They came running and soon found themselves escorting a young man and woman from the leader. The leader glances out in to the forest and then returns to his building.




* Posts due November 4th, 2012 0000 GMT -5

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Re: BiS - Planetary Silence (MISSION: ACTIVE)


Nameless peers down from his latest perch high in the treetops at the three he has followed.  He cooes maternally at the ruffous falcon and its nestlings in the branches above; it remains calm, ignoring his presence.  Different.  New.  Wondrous caution, cautious wonder.  Too far.  He plucks an immature cone from the tree and chews gently to puncture its outer rind.  He glances at the buildings in clearing, but his view is still blocked by trees between himself and the structures.  Absent-mindedly, he turns, bites, and sucks on the cone as he watches the strange creatures below.


Nameless attempts to keep his curiosity in check, observing intently but distantly while staying hidden in the trees 80 feet above.

Stealth - Good [][][+][-] ==> Good
Climbing - Good [-][][][] ==> Fair

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Re: BiS - Planetary Silence (MISSION: ACTIVE)


*Nameless is able to keep his curiosity from overcoming him...for now.

*Nobody notices the curious figure in the trees.


* Everybody please welcome Vermonster to the mission! He'll be playing a Kiladian outcast boy. Bio to be released soon!

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Re: BiS - Planetary Silence (MISSION: ACTIVE)

"Everybody move left" Ineki says, quietly. He proceeds to follow his own advice, sneaking quietly through the woods to get a better look at the probable entrance. This is bad Anton. It's reckless, it's stupid. Remember Mira? Yvonne? Timothy? Njubti? Colonel Muscovich? He dismisses his fears, knowing that there isn't a better route. It's the most cautious way that allows me to fulfill my duty. I am Lieutenant Ineki, I will not fail my military.

Sneaking Left
Roll: Mediocre (Related fields, Navigation, Tactics) + [+][][-][]
Result: Mediocre

The [-] die.

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Re: BiS - Planetary Silence (MISSION: ACTIVE)

Sgt. Bigelow moves ahead of the L.T., hand signals a quick halt!

He points to the tree directly ahead, whispers "There's someone or something up there".

He tries to identify the bogey, now using the scope of his R-23 Pulse Sniper rifle.


Fair Perception +1 Scope -1 Dice roll = FAIR


Welcome to the game,  Vermonster! current/smile


GM, does the sniper rifle have a suppresor?

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Re: BiS - Planetary Silence (MISSION: ACTIVE)


Unnoticed in his vantage point on the right side of the path (and behind the Terrans), Nameless sees the strangers circling to the left, away from him.  He looks for high limbs spanning the path to the left, but the nearest likely crossing point is 50 yards back the way they came.  He scans to the right and ahead.  He remembers, Fear. Danger. Pain..   Looking down, Nameless sees the heavy one looking up, pointing his stick at a treetop further down the path.  Nameless looks to see if he can spot what has attracted Bigelow's attention.   Unable to see clearly that tree, Nameless shifts to the limb to the right and creeps on his belly along its length towards the adjacent tree (both to the right and closer to the clearing).  As he nears the outer reaches of the next tree, he prepares to drop down into its nearby lower limb as is his customary mode of tree-to-tree travel.  Nameless continues to try to get a view of the upper limbs of the tree in front of Bigelow.  Mystery puzzle.  Nameless glances at the still obscured clearing.  Fear.  Resist.  Cautiously, he moves closer to the clearing as he searches the treetops, especially the tree in front of Bigelow.

While the Terrans are circling left, Nameless is basically moving right and closer to the clearing by moving from tree-to-tree.  I estimate that there are about 4-5 trees until he would reach the edge of the clearing (about 3 trees to the right of the one Bigelow is searching).  He will transfer to the lower limbs of the next tree, shimmy towards the trunk, climb up a couple of whorls, and then creep out towards the next tree.  Each drop between trees lowers him about 20 feet (which he regains in the climbs at the trunk).  Unless he sees whatever Bigelow's attraction is, he slips, or is otherwise stopped, he will transverse up to 5 trees to get to the nearest tall pinoid tree to the clearing allowing him a concealed spot (about 50 feet to the right of the path) where he can see into the building complex clearly (hopefully without being seen).

Climbing-tree-hop 1st [-][][+][+]    Good+1 =>Great
Climbing-tree-hop 2nd [+][][-][]    Good => Good
Climbing-tree-hop 3rd [+][-][-][+]    Good => Good
Climbing-tree-hop 4th [-][-][][]            Good-2 => Mediocre
Climbing-tree-hop 5th [-][][][+]    Good => Good

Scanning generally/cautiously and specifically/curiously for Bigelow's attraction (if it exists) – continuous, periodic (but not distractingly so) activity as Nameless moves.

Perception 1st [+][+][+][]    Great+3=>Legendary +1
Perception 2nd [][][+][_]            Great+1=>Superb
Perception 3rd [-][-][+][+]    Great=>Great
Perception 4th [+][][+][+]    Great+3=>Legendary +1
Perception 5th [-][+][+][-]    Great=>Great

If reaching the clearing's edge, remain hidden while attempting to follow the movement of the landing party and observe the activity outside the buildings.

Stealth         [+][+][+][+]    Good+4 => Legendary+1
Perception    [][+][+][-]    Great+1 => Superb

{Note: Wow, love that online dice roller; one bad roll in 12.  I will probably have an equally bad day when I least want one, but it felt like I should put on scuba gear and go to Atlantic (or is that Atlantis) City .}

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Re: BiS - Planetary Silence (MISSION: ACTIVE)


Enemy Soldier's Perception: Mediocre ROLL: [][+][][] = Fair


*The Enemy Soldier guarding the outskirts of the camp thinks he heard Ineki moving through the brush. The Soldier is now watching in that direction. He has NOT seen the group.

*Bigilow has spotted a small three foot tall robot clutching the branch. It has NOT noticed anyone.

*Nameless also sees the robot in the trees.


Moving forward the team begins to move toward the left of the compound, but the size of the unit and the lack of sure footedness had caught the attention of the guard nearest the tree line. He looks out toward the forest and readies his weapon, but he does not move. He watches.

Sergeant Bigilow signals for the team to stop and points up to a little robot clutching the branch. It's mechanical eyes searching the jungle. Nameless has also seen it and has hid himself from it after traversing the trees successfully.


*Fudgebob, as this is a covert mission, silencers are assumed with all weapons being carried including the sniper rifle.

*Sophiru did not post and so her character has followed with the others to sneak.




*Forums Posts are due November 11, 2012 0000 GMT -5.

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Re: BiS - Planetary Silence (MISSION: ACTIVE)

Sgt. Bigelow slides silently back to the team "Spotted a tiny robot clutching a branch on that tree directly ahead of us - it's probably a spy/sentry bot. I can take it out but the sound, however muted, may alert that guard. We need a plan."

"Orders, L.T.?"

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Re: BiS - Planetary Silence (MISSION: ACTIVE)


@Knaight, The weapons  are powered by energy cells. Every weapon has a intensity setting so you can adjust it to a stunning setting to count as that. This, of course, is in the unreleased BiS Book. current/big_smile The guard is helmeted and so you can only tell that he is humanoid.

You do not have to delete your OOC posts if you do not want too. You are more than welcome to post again right after it. current/wink

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Re: BiS - Planetary Silence (MISSION: ACTIVE)

Jenny stops in her tracks and looks around nervously. "A robot?" She paused, thinking hard for a bit. "I managed to catch a glimpse of the pulse rifles and pistols of the people ahead, they were clearly civilian made. Wonder if the robot is that? I'll try have a look." She looks where the Sergeant points, trying to determine what kind of robot they're dealing with.
Jenny tries to catch a glimpse of the robot.
Perception [+][-][+][-] Great->Great
Mechanics [][+][-][-] Good->Fair

Darn, life caught up with me and I completely forgot!

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