
BiS - Planetary Silence (MISSION: ACTIVE)

Re: BiS - Planetary Silence (MISSION: ACTIVE)


fudgebob wrote:

Why didn't Nameless sense Bigelow? No PSI/Emphaty at all? current/wink

My explanation in the first instance (before Nameless starts running after Ineki and Jenny) is that his psychic emanations were less energetic than their very emotional states.  While he was running, he was more distracted with his worry that he was going to lose his contact and ability to follow the team.  He is also probably becoming more "emotionally noisy" as his excitement (and curiosity) builds; harder to heard others when you are jabbering away yourself.  He was simply not paying attention, but probably did pull up suddenly when he realized the ~anger~ was  separate from little woman's.  I am guessing it got within about ten feet before Bigelow's presence registered as such.

I am curious whether Bigelow might feel a tickle of Nameless' excitement (and fear of separation/lost pursuit) wash into his mind without perhaps associating it with an external source, but think he needs to catch up quick or they will leave him behind.

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Re: BiS - Planetary Silence (MISSION: ACTIVE)


Another Perception roll to detect if Bigelow "senses" Nameless' psychic/emotic excitement.

Fair + [+][ ][+][-] = Good

Otherwise, he simply tries to follow and catch up with his team.

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Re: BiS - Planetary Silence (MISSION: ACTIVE)


My apologies to you all for not bringing forth any new information. My wife went in to labor on 4 Dec 2012 and after 28 hours of labor and a C-section, Simon Timothy Snyder was born to this world!

I will get to this as soon as I can, but right now I'm just getting my new role as daddy all taken care of!

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Re: BiS - Planetary Silence (MISSION: ACTIVE)

Congratulations, Jonathan!


Simon Timothy Snyder, welcome to the Fudge Community!!!

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